
Drone supports native SSL configuration by mounting certificates into the server container. If your server is public you should consider using Lets Encrypt.

  1. Mount your certificate and key into the server container:

    $ docker run \
    -v /etc/certs/drone.company.com/server.crt:/etc/certs/drone.company.com/server.crt \
    -v /etc/certs/drone.company.com/server.key:/etc/certs/drone.company.com/server.key
  2. Configure the path to your certificate and key:

    $ docker run \
    -e DRONE_TLS_CERT=/etc/certs/drone.company.com/server.crt \
    -e DRONE_TLS_KEY=/etc/certs/drone.company.com/server.key
  3. Expose the standard http and https ports:

    $ docker run \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443

Lets Encrypt

Drone supports automated SSL configuration and updates using Let’s Encrypt. You can enable Let’s encrypt with the following flag:

  1. Enable Lets Encrypt with the following parameter:

  2. Ensure the desired hostname is configured:

  3. Expose the standard http and https ports:

    docker run \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443
  4. Mount the certificate cache to the host:

    docker run \
    -v /var/lib/drone:/data

Certificate Cache

Drone caches generated certificates on disk at /data/golang-autocert. This prevents the system from re-requesting certificates on restart. It is best practice to bind mount the /data directory to the host.

Certificate Upgrades

Drone uses the official Go acme library which will handle certificate upgrades. There should be no additional configuration or management required.