
Drone publishes and exposes metrics that can be consumed by Prometheus at the standard /metrics endpoint. Access to the metrics endpoint is restricted and requires an authorization token.


  1. Create a 32-byte random token:

    $ openssl rand -hex 16
  2. Create a machine user:

    $ drone user add prometheus --admin --machine \
  3. Configure the prometheus scraper:

        scrape_interval: 60s
          - job_name: 'drone'
            bearer_token: fe8c402a51e6629aa1f43a4234afee81
            - targets: ['']

Drone Metrics

Drone collects performance metrics exposed by the Go runtime, including memory, compute, garbage collection and more. These default metrics are augmented with the following Drone metrics:

  • drone_build_count
    total number of builds executed by the system.
  • drone_user_count
    total number of user accounts.
  • drone_repo_count
    total number of activated repositories.
  • drone_pending_builds
    total number of pending builds.
  • drone_pending_jobs
    total number of pending jobs. A single build can have one or many jobs, where a job represents a single pipeline in a multi-pipeline yaml.
  • drone_running_builds
    total number of running builds.
  • drone_running_jobs
    total number of running jobs. A single build can have one or many jobs, where a job represents a single pipeline in a multi-pipeline yaml.

Custom Metrics

Drone collects a limited set of metrics by design. We are not currently accepting proposals to collect additional metrics in Drone core, however, we do provide a starter project that you can use to create your own custom metrics provider to gather additional metrics.